April 17, 2019

Take a Deep Breath – Mindful Deep Breathing To Decrease Your Stress Level

As a law student, your level of daily stress can be off the charts.  Unfortunately, taking time to de-stress is not always in the cards during a busy day. Here at Elite, we believe a student’s ability to manage stress in a positive manner plays a significant role in his or her ability to succeed in law school.

As a quick and effective manner to de-stress, deep breathing provides one of the most time effective methods law students have at their disposal to push back against the inherent stress of your law school day.  To decrease stress, improve mood and increase concentration, our clients utilize a Four Count Deep Breathing Exercise three to four times a day.

Elite’s Four Count Deep Breathing Exercise.  Here we go! As you slowly count from one to four in your mind, inhale through your nose from your diaphragm.  At the top of the four count, briefly hold in your breath, then deeply exhale from your mouth for an additional four count.  Repeat this process for a total of four breaths. As you breath, try to clear your mind and simply concentrate on your breathing.

As an effective and time sensitive manner to immediately reduce your perception of stress, we encourage law students to introduce Four Count Deep Breathing into their daily routine.

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